November 8-10, Gainesville, Florida
More than just classes
Charity Scrap Bucket
It's simple! Donate some money ($10 minimum) and select your steel from the scrap bucket then make the best piece you can. On Sunday at 11am the hotel staff will judge all entries and select the winner. All donations will be given to a charity of the winner's choice!
Skill level: Any
Register: Registration Tent (#1)
Item Exchange: Something with teeth
A smith creates a piece based on their interpretation of the theme and brings it to the conference. On Saturday evening before the auction, everyone who brought an item will draw the name of another. The name that you draw is the piece that you take home!
Skill level: Any
Register: Banquet Hall
Iron in the Hat
Have scraps or interesting items laying around your shop? Bring them to the conference for Iron in the Hat. Tickets will be sold for items to be raffled on Saturday, Nov 9th from noon to 1 pm. Bring a 24-case of bottled water for 3 free tickets. Limit 3 cases per individual.
Skill Level: N/A
Location: Tent TBA
Register: Registration Tent (#1)
Chairman's Challenge:
Mystical & Religion
We are asking each region or sub-region to create a piece as a team. This can be as large or small as you would like. A panel of outside judges will judge the pieces based on the criteria below. Awards will be handed out at the banquet. Please consider donating your items to the auction. We hope to see submissions from each part of the state! This is a great project to work on at a monthly meeting.
Live & Silent
Proceeds from the auction not only support the conference, but also FABA throughout the year. To be successful, we need auction items! If you have an item you plan to bring, please let us know. The live and silent auction will take place on Saturday evening, November 9th immediately following the annual banquet.
Skill level: Intermediate to advanced
Register: Banquet Hall
Preregister your item now!