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Peter Pan Dagger with David Sandlin

Advanced class - create your own version of the dagger that saved Windy and the Lost Boys

75 US dollars
Northwest 97th Boulevard

Service Description

“Hook you’ve gone too far!” yells Peter Pan as he pulls his dagger to fight the Famous Captain Hook. In this advanced class you will create your own version of the dagger that saved Windy and the Lost Boys. Techniques applied during this class include splitting steel, folding, adding hand punched rivets, twisting, drawing out, forming scrolls and a distal taper. We will have two belt grinder/sanders on loan from Traditions Workshop so you can finish your blade with a Scandinavian grind if so desired. Your heroic knife will be made of ½”x1/4” mild/low carbon flat bar steel sprinkled with pixie dust. To join this early class, you will need to aim for the second star to the right and fly straight on to Friday morning (8 am start time). This class is sponsored by Traditions-Workshop, Inc.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel we require 72 hours' notice. If desired and if there are open slots available, we will attempt to reschedule you to a different class during the FABA convention but we will not offer refunds with less than 72 hours notice.

Contact Details

  • Best Western Gateway Grand, Northwest 97th Boulevard, Gainesville, FL, USA

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