Class Descriptions
Use the tabs to see what is happening which day.
Blacksmithing I - $60
This class is for the beginner. It will introduce you to the basic hardware including: the anvil, forge, vice, forge blower, and hammer & tongs. Coal forges will be used so fire management will be a primary focus. The exact items to be produced will vary from teacher to teacher but there will be the same core techniques being taught. They will include: tapering, drawing out, bending, twisting, rounding, and hammer control. How you approach the anvil is important as well, so proper stance and how to move your body will be taught. If you are new to blacksmithing this class can help you avoid making some pretty big mistakes that could cause you real set backs or even long term injury to yourself. No prerequisites are necessary.
Duration: 4 hours
Peter Pan's Dagger - $75
“Hook you’ve gone too far!” yells Peter Pan as he pulls his dagger to fight the Famous Captain Hook. In this advanced class you will create your own version of the dagger that saved Windy and the Lost Boys. Techniques applied during this class include splitting steel, folding, adding hand punched rivets, twisting, drawing out, forming scrolls and a distal taper. We will have two belt grinder/sanders on loan from Traditions Workshop so you can finish your blade with a Scandinavian grind if so desired. Your heroic knife will be made of ½”x1/4” mild/low carbon flat bar steel sprinkled with pixie dust. To join this early class, you will need to aim for the second star to the right and fly straight on to Friday morning (8 am start time). This class is sponsored by Traditions-Workshop, Inc.
Duration: 4 hours
Introduction: Solid Fuel 8-10, 10-12 - $30
Gas forges have become commonplace and can be approached in an almost ‘set and forget’ manner, but solid fuel forges have been the traditional way to heat metal for millennia. But unlike gas forges, solid fuel fires have a lot of variation and are constantly changing in one way or another and take a whole extra skill set to manage properly. In this class we will demonstrate various solid fuels (bituminous and anthracite coal in various sizes; charcoal, coke, and wood) and ways to build, start and arrange the fires to suit your purposes. After the demonstrations students will be able to practice starting coal fires multiple times, as well as maintaining the fire for periods of time, using various management tools. You will also have time to make a simple letter opener during class.
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Drop Spindle - Making Yarn - $40
Learn how yarn and thread was made for thousands of years, lots of history in this hands-on class and at the end of class you leave with a spindle and some wool yarn you have made yourself.
Duration: 2 hours
Ribbon Flowers - $40
Learn to make different types of flowers by folding, twisting, and looping ribbon to form beautiful flowers you can attach to baskets, barrettes, hats, etc. or to form a bouquet for a special occasion. This class uses hand stitching with needle and thread so if you need magnification or have dexterity issues, bring your magnifier and/or brace. This is a class with two class slots offered on Friday morning and Saturday afternoon. Class size limited to 6 students per class.
Duration: 2 hours